The movie tells the story of the first Kimba episode, showing Panja's peaceful jungle, the coming of the hunters, the capture of Eliza and the death of Panja, and Kimba's birth and escape back to Africa. 51 minutes. The soundtrack is all music, so there is no language problem with viewing this movie.
We have ONE in stock, in beautiful condition. The disc has no marks. The jacket is clean with a clipped lower corner and a bent upper corner. The original 4-page insert is included; this insert has monochrome reproductions of Osamu Tezuka's pictures drawn for the LP release of this music.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a 12-inch LaserDisc. Japanese LaserDiscs will play perfectly on all US LaserDisc players. This is NOT a DVD.
Click the picture to see the back cover.
The price of this Japanese LaserDisc is
59.98 $46.98
which includes FREE SHIPPING to anywhere in the world.